Stop dreading 
Insurance compliance made easy
Innocuous AI helps claims adjusters put an end to fearing and dreading the busy work related to complying with insurance regulations across multiple states and jurisdictions. Become comfortable and confident with multi-state compliance while freeing up time to delight and enhance customer experience.
Get Enok Today
Who this is for
Desk / Field Adjusters
Cat / Large Loss Adjusters
Independent Adjusters
I don’t know how the new claims adjusters are going to be trained and onboarded in a way that will get them ramped up sufficiently well.
Imagine all the mistakes new claims adjusters will make that will lead to more fines from state regulators.
If we aren’t paying out enough for claims, we are going to see more in litigation costs especially with social inflation if we don’t set up our claims adjusters for success to reduce enterprise risk.
You deserve a better way
to manage compliance
Stop wasting time hunting down compliance information. Start getting relevant compliance information at your fingertips.
As the insurance industry faces a retiring workforce, new claims adjusters will need to be onboarded and trained properly in a hurry. Without a game plan to use technology to aid in dealing with this “silver tsunami”, your claims team could make a higher volume of mistakes that lead to higher litigation costs. If that wasn’t enough, these errors could trigger market conduct examinations and lead to getting downgraded by ratings agencies for your insurance firm’s financial capability to pay your claims. This is a dangerous downward cycle that every insurance firm works hard to avoid.
Get Enok Today
Even as technology has advanced tremendously, insurance adjusters still operate as they did decades back by spending valuable time and energy keeping up with changing the state regulations, and trying to apply them to unique claims cases.
These regulation changes across multiple states challenge seasoned claims adjusters, no less less experienced claims adjusters. With 50% of seasoned claims adjusters retiring by 2028, the new claims adjusters are not set up for success.
Doing things the old way is inefficient, needlessly time-consuming, doesn’t make one feel confident that they got it right, and it’s frankly frustrating!
You can now handle
compliance with ease
Feel confidence in compliance like you never had before, without all that time-sucking research work that really sucked having to do.
Save Time
Claims adjusters and compliance team members can just ask Enok instead of spending the time hunting for relevant information, saving valuable time and energy. Enok is easy to use, making onboarding a quick process that can get you hitting the ground running instantly. Plus, Enok takes less than a minute to respond and you get all of the information you need all in one place.
Close the
Knowledge  Gap
Enok is a conversational AI assistant that is a lot more fun and engaging to use than hunting for information online or documents on a shared drive, then having to find the relevant section to review and apply to your specific claims case. Enok is a great tool for onboarding new employees that those in the Learning & Development group would be happy to introduce to claims adjusters to help close the knowledge gap between experienced and novice claims adjusters!
Reduce Stress & 
Retain Employees
Enok automatically provides links and references to state statutes so you can easily verify the information without hunting for it. Reducing enterprise risk from reducing compliance errors, reduces fines from state regulators and reduces litigation costs. All this helps to reduce stress levels of everyone from claims adjusters to compliance, finance, and C-suite executives. This also helps retain new employees rather than scare them away after a few months of work as a claims adjuster. Any new information is embedded and surfaced when needed by claims adjusters. No more trying to remember to utilize information from emails sent from the Compliance team.
Get Enok Today
How can Enok help you?
It is financially wasteful for every insurance carrier to hire attorneys to do the same work over and over again. We take care of the hard work so claims adjusters can focus on servicing policyholders well at their time of loss and need for empathy.
Don’t leave compliance 
up to chance.
Get Enok Today
Your claims adjusters deserve the appropriate tools to help them stay compliant. If you don’t embrace technology advances, it’s not if, but when high cost from rising enterprise risk will happen.
  • More errors from new claims adjusters
  • More fines & market conduct examinations from state regulators
  • More lawsuits from policyholders and nuclear verdicts from social inflation, leading to downgrades from ratings agencies
Getting Enok is easy.
It’s simple, easy, and fast to implement.
Get in touch with 
the form below
Start with a 1 month paid pilot to test with a few team members
Use Enok across all claims and compliance team members!
Get the benefits of Enok!
The Old Way
Could take 20+ minutes.
Paying employees 
time to research
Prone to Errors
Misunderstand legalese
The Enok Way
Takes under 1 minute!
Employees’ time freed up to better serve 
policyholders to make them less litigious.
Reduce Errors
Easy to understand.
The organization of yesterday is changing from an aging workforce. The old way of doing things isn’t possible any more. Harness the power of AI to help your claims adjusters work faster and smarter so that you can not only handle your current workload but also be positioned to grow the company.
Set up your claims adjusters
for compliance success.
Get Enok Today
Regina Jaslow headshot
Regina Jaslow

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